The Sophia Network
Our girls and young women are self-harming in ever-increasing numbers.
The Sophia Network is committed to bringing an end to this. Completely.
Together, as women supporting women, we will create a world where our children no longer have to hurt themselves in order to cope and build one instead where all our young people can thrive.
“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform.”
— Diane Mariechild
Will you support us to achieve our vision?
The ‘how’ is slowly unfolding and as it becomes clearer, I will let you know how you benefit from The Sophia Network and how you can help. The first step is to join our Newsletter.
Sophia is the greek Goddess of Wisdom. She is also known as The ONE divine Mother, Creatrix of all Life. She represents the power of the feminine connection and so has been chosen to represent this network of women. In addition, The Sophia Network was inspired by the work of Lynne Twist who refers to this time as The Sophia Century.
Boys and men have an equally important part to play in helping build a beautiful world in which our children no longer want to harm themselves. The Sophia Network has chosen to focus our attention on girls and young women as the rates of hospitalisation amongst them is much higher than boys and therefore more critical to tackle to begin with. We believe mothers, and the support network of women around them are the key to unlocking the health in these young women. That said - if you’re a man and want to support our commitment, please do leave your details above - we would LOVE to hear from you.