Learn from and love the children; fix the systems
We believe our daughters are fundamentally healthy and sane and have much to teach us about how our current systems are failing us. We work with all institutions to replace the prevalent ‘you OR me’ approach with a ‘you AND me’ approach, in which all our young people can thrive.
It starts with the mothers
When mothers are empowered, educated and supported, they will be the turning point in their daughter’s journey. They are also the doorway to all other areas of our work through their friendships, networks and relationships.
Love and listening nurtures our daughters through this journey so they can become the leaders of tomorrow
When the leaders in the next generation roll up their sleeves and get to work, you will see their scars. The journeys they have been on are what will make them an essential part of the solution to the world’s problems. When their daughters reach the same positions, their arms will be unblemished.
No family should have to wait
We will aim to provide a free service for all mothers of self-harming girls and young women that can be accessed no longer than 7 days from requesting our services. We are currently setting everything up, and this promise will be in place starting from Monday 5th February 2024.
Our girls and young women are self-harming and attempting suicide in ever-increasing numbers.
The Sophia Network is committed to bringing an end to this. Completely.
Together, we will create a world where our children no longer have to hurt themselves in order to cope and build one instead where all our young people can thrive.
1.2m million young people were referred to CAMHS in the UK in 2022. 100,000 children did not return to school following COVID. In May 2023, 3,732 urgent referrals of under-18s were received by mental health services, the highest on record and triple that of May 2019. A quarter of a million of young people have been denied NHS support in the last year. Nearly half of 17-19 year-olds with a diagnosable mental health disorder has self-harmed or attempted suicide at some point, rising to 52.7% for young women. The number of children with eating disorders is on the rise. We could go on.
Many children are struggling without parents who are able to support them and clearly the government is unable to support these escalating cries for help. And when they do, the provision is an attempt to ‘fix’ the young person so they can become a functioning, productive member of their school/work/system again.
But the systems themselves are broken.
We want to make three proposals:
Firstly, these young people are showing us that our current institutions and systems are no longer working. They are protesting in the only way they know how - with cuts on their arms, controlling their eating and profound anxiety and depression about the state of their world. We propose that these are, in fact, a sane response to an insane world, founded on outdated patriarchy and outdated institutions.
The Sophia Century is upon us. These young people are showing us what needs to change. If we are willing to listen.
Our children are not the ‘problems’ needing to be fixed; instead, they are the future pioneers of a new world - one based on inclusion, well-being, nurturing, wisdom and a connection to the natural world rather than achievement, speed and bright shiny consumerism.
These young people need to be LISTENED TO and LEARNED FROM and have access to leadership and power to make change to create a world that works for EVERYONE.
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Secondly, that heart-centred feminine values - compassion, empathy, nurturance, diversity, equity, humility and love are what these children and young people need to awaken this shift from victimhood to leadership.
Time and again, in my own journey, and that of my children, I have realised that the people that made a difference, impacted not because of the modality they used, but rather because suddenly we felt heard, understood and held.
The listener brought kindness, warmth and love.
The Sophia Network will connect these teenagers and children with women of all ages who are willing to open their hearts and listen to learn, and hold space for that young person, just as they are. Including their own mothers.
These open-hearted women will know there is no need to ‘fix’; instead they understand they are witnessing an emerging leader going through the transformation without which the future tasks required of them cannot be accomplished.
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Thirdly, that the mothers of these children do not need to “find strength, courage and better solutions” to help ‘fix’ their children.
Instead, simply because they ARE women, they have an innate capacity to be a loving presence on the journey of their children are taking, and midwife these future humanitarians through the pain to the beauty beyond.
And that their children have chosen to come to them BECAUSE of their strength and courage.
These mothers need other mothers to share their stories of tears and hope with.
Their work is vital.
The Sophia Network will support these connections.